Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Day of PaintBall

     So today me, my dad, and my friend Izzy went out to to play paintball at Lone Wolf paintball.  We ended up spending almost 7 hours their.  We played speed ball and woods ball at the areas called Jordan, Five Man, Village, And Tires.
     Speed Ball:
     What you see when you watch Speed Ball is just a bunch of people running around, hiding from the other team, and paintballs flying around all over the place.  When you're actually playing, It's alot more complicated then you expect.
     You have to test fire your gun between matches, make sure you have enough air to be able to play, and have speed, agility, and the ability to pop up, fire a couple of paintballs, and get back under cover.  One of the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of paintball is communication.  You have to be able to make a battle plan, be able to take orders, and be ready and willing to give commands at any time and all the time.
     Woods Ball:
     This type of match is basically speed ball, but there's lots more cover.  And because of this, you have to be ready to shoot or be shot at all times.  Or as I like to say "Pown or be powned".  At this particular location, I only played one location a couple times.
     There was a trench all the way around, some cattails, a little fort, some constructed piles of branches and sticks, and a couple segments of wooden fences.  Now every time I played woods ball, I sucked.  I couldn't hit a single person.
     I watched when they played Jordan.  They two big forts on the left hand side of the field.  And their was also walls around it, and it was pretty cool.  There was even a kid with his own gun.  The gun was a Tippman A-5, which are pretty cool looking.
     Iron Man:
     This is one of the toughest ones out there.  In Iron Man, they pick an area to play in, and basically, you don't call yourself out until you can't bear the pain anymore.  Sounds pretty tough, right?  Well if your lucky enough to have your own semi-automatic or fully-automatic paintball gun, you could probably last a little bit longer then you could with a pump gun or normal paintball gun.

     Alrighty then, that's all I got for you today, but check back soon and I'll have some tips and tricks that I know.  Oh, and before I go, here's the link to Lone Wolf paintball if you guys are interested in checking it out.

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